River Cropped

Soul-Aligned Success:

Uplevel Your Income & Relationships in 90 Days    

Dive into What Women Truly Need to Thrive—Step into the Current of the River That Constitutes Your Success

Unlock your potential with the exclusive "Soul-Aligned Success Guide for Women" and discover the 5 essential keys to creating the success you deserve. This guide is designed to help you understand how success for women is uniquely different from men, and how to tap into your own soul's wisdom to make it happen.

Here’s what you’ll learn inside:

  1. Uncover Your Soul’s Gifts and Purpose
    Align your career, relationships, and life with your unique soul blueprint—let your true self shine and guide you forward.
  2. A Proven Strategy to Double (or Triple) Your Income in 90 Days
    Skip the trial and error—learn how to identify what actions you need to take week by week, so you can stop wasting your time and energy and create new outcomes.
  3. Upgrade All Your Relationships
    Understand the truth about how misaligned relationships (in love, family, and friendships) could be holding you back from your next level—and how to change that.
  4. Release Trauma Stored in the Body
    Break free from the emotional and physical barriers that have kept you stuck—start healing and thriving.
  5. Break Free from Generational & Collective Programming
    Clear ancestral patterns that are imprinted into your biology, so you can step fully into your potential.

This is what Ruth Jahn, a web design business owner from Vienna, Austria, created:

When I began working with Rosine I was exhausted and fed up especially with the experience of my web-design business and my health. I was constantly depleted and felt overwhelmed by meeting everyone else’s expectations and demands of me.

Within months I shifted literally everything in my life:

  • I’ve more than doubled my income and closed the year with the best month in my whole 8-year period of being self-employed.
  • I now experience making money as a loving & easeful expression of who I am.
  • The best part of it, is that I know this growth is sustainable and I feel completely capable of stabilizing this new income level as my new normal. It's already happening.

Now I feel a profound new freedom and agency in my relationships with family and clients, have a lot more energy, a wonderful peacefulness on most days and a reverence for the human and soul that I am. There is now a deep love and dignity in how I regard and hold myself. 

One of the biggest manifestations of this shift: I don’t try to fit in or people please anymore. There is connection and interdependence and a lot of space for me and everyone else to just BE. This alone is such exquisite freedom and feels healthy and in integrity!

Rosine is not afraid to ask the hard questions and does that with a love so wide and deep, with an appreciation and unwavering belief in who I am that even the most challenging inner and outer work became doable, possible, and fruitful. I have shifted habits and layers of conditioning within these past few months that I didn’t know could be shifted within a single lifetime - let alone in such a short time frame!

Also, I finally know in my bones that I belong in this world and to myself.

With Rosine by your side there is so much room for taking new action, for messing up and trying again, for celebrating all the small & big wins that amount to lasting transformation. And this transformation touches every part of your life. There is so much more I could talk about, my creativity, my love life, how I dress and how I hold myself physically… Every aspect of my life has been uplifted and now I’m living my own precious life - my own Soul’s way.

It has been an amazing ride and took a bit of courage again and again but this experience is something I have forever: Knowing deeply that I CAN do this (create and live the life I want) and that I WILL.


I wish the same for you ♥